Saturday 30 April 2011

SGD day 6!!

Today is SGD day 6!! Nearly completed 1 whole
Week!! Woo hoo!!

Todays allowance was 650 calories


1 cheese beano 120
1 cup of green tea 0

1 packet of snackajacks 87
Toffee crisp 229

1 cheese toastie with
Coleslaw 300

Total for today - 736 cals

Activity Calories burned
Brush teeth 9
Hairstyling 45
Showering 48
Walking 2 mph 63
Cooking 120
Sleeping 472
Total Calories Burned 757 calories

I'll maybe start to exercise next week even if it's just a little every day!!

Just a thought of something, whats everyones goal clothes, how many sizes are they too small?? And have you ever fit into your goal clothes before?? Just to settle my curiosity :P

Lots of love
BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Friday 29 April 2011


Just wanna say Hi!! To all my new followers :) and to Elly too!! :) come say hi sometime!!

Just a small post to say my
Intake and outake for today

Day 5 - allowance 450 cals

Green tea and lemon - 0 cals
Toast and ham - 100

Leftover mac and cheese - 250 cals
Snackajacks 87 cals
2 glasses of diet coke
Twix - 147 cals

Chilli pasta (about 20 bits) 75 cals
3 small halves of garlic bread 100


Activity Calories burned
Brush teeth 9
Washing dishes 39
Shopping 42
Hairstyling 46
Walking 2 mph 49
Sitting 148
Reading 148
Sex 197
Studying 259
Sleeping 485
Total Calories Burned 1,420

OMFG!! 1420 cals burned!!

Hopefully I can get some more of this weight off!!

Lots of love

P.s there is a reason why sometimes I don't comment on your blogs, my phone is very temperamental and does what it likes :P BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


This post is gonna be way too much information, but I need to say it!!

I was in the kitchen doing some dishes, when the boy came in, he grabbed round my waist and kissed my neck, he whispered into my ear that he wanted me.

I turned round and he picked me up (he doesn't do this) and is like "Fucks sake Jen, when did you become light" he then says with his hands up my top. "you're bra is too big, have you been losing weight??"

Ahhhhhhh actually so happy!! My first complement off the boy about my weight in almost 4 years!! It's working!!

Sorry for the tmi I left most of the rudey parts out :P

Xxxxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

First stats

Here we go! Week 1 stats.......

Arms (L)11 (R)11 = no change
Under boobs 30 = -2 inches (32)
Waist 28 = no change
Hips 35 = no change
Thigh (L)22 (R)21 = no change for both
Calf (L)13 = -1 inch (14) (R)13 = no change

Not too bad for week 1!

Today's calorie allowance is 450! Easy peasy! I've got the day off college today cause of the wedding, so I've got plans to get my head down and study! Woooo (not!)

Also I really want a tan, so I'm hoping the sun is gonna come out so I can sit outside!!


P.s I cant comment on anybody's blog :( my stupid phone won't let me! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Thursday 28 April 2011

SGD day 4

I've been very good today :) My allowance is 500 cals!!
So far I've eaten.....

2 slices of bread - 190 cals
Cold meat - 15 cals

Fruit salad - 0 cals
Snackajacks - 87 cals
Twix - 143 cals

Cheesy pasta - 250 cals
Glass of diet coke - 2 cals

Altogether thats 685 calories 185 calories over, not too bad out of 500 cal allowance!!


Activity Calories burned
Brush teeth 6
Standing 20
Hairstyling 45
Reading 72
Writing 72
Showering 72
Studying 125
Walking 2 mph 235
Backpacking 316
Sleeping 501
Total Calories Burned 1,461

How awesome is that!! 1,461!! Ooohhhh yeeeahhh!! :D

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D:D :D :D :D:D :D :D :D:D :D :D :D eeeek!!

Desperate to weigh myself tomorrow!!

Oh I'm thinking of getting the zumba game for the wii, is it any good do you think??

Lots and lots of love and hugs
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Wednesday 27 April 2011


Today I've eaten

Green tea + lemon - 0 cals
Crunchy nut + milk - 180 cals

Fruit salad - 0 cals
Starburst - 187
Snack a jacks - 87

Pizza - 250
Garlic bread - 150

Total calories consumed today - 854 ouch!


Activity Calories burned
Putting away Groceries 15
Hairstyling 30
Showering 33
Writing 72
Carrying an Infant 125
Walking 2 mph 375
Total Calories Burned 650

Calories consumed - 854
Calories burned 650
Allowance for today 400
Total = -204!! :D

Not too bad!! Feeling very good about this!! Even managed to stop at 2 small slices of pizza cause I was full. :D it's progress!

Anyway I'm off to my bed :) night night!


BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday 26 April 2011

The rest of today...

2 rolls (cheese and coleslaw) 300
1 ice cream = 130

Total Calories Burned
From before 186
Walking 2 mph + 375

679 calories eaten
-400 allowance for today
561 exercise done
282 left over

I've done it!! I've tackled day one and I'm over!! I'm so happy I could do a wee dance!! :D

Day 2 allowance is 300 cals, I've got the 20 min walk to and from college tomorrow so I should ease up some cals :)

Feeling better now :)

Xxxxxxxxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Look what i found :)

I found this website that will give you he best calculator for any exercise or movement that you do.....

Activity Calories burned
Hairstyling. 30
Showering 48
Walking 2 mph. 110
Total Calories Burned 186

That's only for this morning, I know I've done more than that with work. I'm in love with it


Im not sure how to make it a link though!!

Xxxxxxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

SGD take 3

This will be take 2 take 3 of the skinny girl diet (SGD) as yesterday was supposed to be day 1 (obv we know what happened there with the whole millions of calorie binge :/)

Today is a new day, a fresh start. Today I have 400 calories to play with. I am NOT going over today.


Crunchy nut + milk = 180 cals
Green tea + lemon = 0 cals
1 multi vitamin

Fruit salad = 0 cals
Blue riband (biscuit) = 99 cals
1 bottle of strawberry water = 0 cals

To be decided later when I go shopping

N.B I haven't technically eaten lunch yet, but it's what I've taken to work with me and I've left my purse at home so I can't buy anything

Oh and I've decided not to count fruits and veg, but only in their pure form e.g no mashed potato

I will subtract any exercise I do too :)

Wish me luck!!

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday 25 April 2011

Oh :/

I totally binged tonight, I'm actually so ashamed of how much food I ate, easily 1500 cals if not more. So much for starting the SGD with a positive attitude! Lying here in bed feeling sick due to the amount of food consumed. I really have no self control!

Ill start day 1 tomorrow, today was a total car crash and I'm writing it off! I'll start afresh, brand new.

I'm scared to weigh myself, I'll try very hard not to and I'll do it on Sunday as promised :/

Oh and I was thinking every 10lbs dropped I'll take a picture to show my progress, starting when I reach 140lbs. Good idea??

I'm away to bed, I feel sick and very ashamed of myself :/

Night night
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Stats, before I start!!

This has to be added onto my post about starting the skinny girl diet........ It's my stats before I start the diet :)

Weight 10.7 stones or 149.8lbs BMI - 23.5

Arms (L) 11 (R) 11
Under boobs 32
Waist 28
Hips 35
Each thigh (L) 22 (R) 21
Each calf (L) 14 (R) 13
(all in inches)

If you want me to add more onto this please, comment and state what you wanna know :)

Xxxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

A little about me :)

Here, is the about me, as promised :)

Age: 19, I'm 20 in like 8 days, eeeeek!!
Height: 5'"7
Weight: 149.8
Dress Size: 10 on bottom 12/14/16 on top (UK)
Highest Weight: unsure :/
Lowest Weight (at height): just now
Goal Weight: 120
Favorite Diet Food: diet coke, lettuce, water, tea
Favorite Binge food: chocolate, crisps, anything sweet/savory
Favorite Exercise: dancing, walking
Favorite Thinspo: flat stomachs, thighs
Where Do You Slip Up: night, whenever I'm with my bfs family.

When Did It Start?:
Hating your body: high school- 1st year
Restricting/counting: 2nd or 3rd year
Does Anyone Know: Blogger people/ bf but not the extent of it
You Want Help: No thank you!!
How Many Calories Do You Consume A Day: depends from day to day... 0-1000
What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror: a fat horrible chubby face, fat thighs, fat tummy, unworthy of wearing a belly button ring
Are You In A Relationship: yeah
Are You Depressed: sometimes
Ever Tried To Commit Suicide: nope
Ever Been To A Psychologist: nope

I AM -
[] anorexic
[] ednos
[] bulimic
[] living off diet pills
[x] hungry
[x] thirsty
[] drinking something
[] Under 100lbs
[] starving yourself
[] participating in a fast

[] ask if I’m anorexic/bulimic
[x] call me fat (never to my face though)
[] say I’m skinny
[] say I’m ugly
[x] say I’m pretty
[x] spread rumors about me
[x] force me to eat
[x] say I eat too much
[x] wish I’d eat more

[x] I was THIN
[x] I had a better body
[x] I didn’t have to eat
[x] I could control myself
[] I was under 110lbs
[x] I could avoid food
[x] I could hide what I am
[x] I wasn’t fat
[x] I was pretty
[] I could stop being ana/mia

[x] feeling hungry
[] seeing a difference when fasting
[] shaking
[] being weak
[x] losing weight
[] being anorexic/bulimic
[x] green tea
[] diet pills
[x] being able to turn down food
[x] feeling good about myself

[] I am shorter than 5’4.
[x] I think I’m ugly sometimes.
[] I have many scars.
[] I tan easily.
[x] I wish my hair was a different color.
[] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[] I have a tattoo.
[x] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[] I have/had braces.
[x] I wear glasses (only for reading tho!)
[x] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.
[x] I have more than 2 piercings.
[x] I have had piercings in places besides my ears.
[x] I have freckles.

[x] I’ve sworn at my parents.
[] I’ve run away from home.
[] I’ve been kicked out of the house.
[x] My biological parents are together.
[] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[x] I want to have kids someday.
[] I’ve had children.
[] I’ve lost a child.

[] I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a spoken conversation.
[x] Disney movies still make me cry.
[] I’ve peed from laughing.
[x] I’ve snorted while laughing.
[x] I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
[x] I’ve glued my hand to something
[] I’ve laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
[] I’ve had my trousers rip

[] I’m single
[x] I’m in a relationship.
[] I’m engaged.
[] I’m married.
[] I’ve gone on a blind date.
[] I’ve been the dumpee more than the dumper.
[] I miss someone right now.
[x] I have a fear of abandonment.
[] I’ve cheated in a relationship.
[] I’ve gotten divorced
[x] I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back.
[] I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
[] I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
[] I’ve kept something from a past relationship.

[] I’ve had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[x] I’ve had a crush on a teacher.
[x] I am a cuddler.
[x] I’ve been kissed in the rain.
[x] I’ve hugged a stranger.
[x] I have kissed a stranger.

[x] I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t
[x] I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.
[x] I’ve snuck out of my house.
[x] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[x] I’ve cheated while playing a game.
[x] I’ve cheated on a test.
[] I’ve been suspended from school.

[x] I’ve consumed alcohol.
[] I regularly drink.
[] I can’t swallow pills.
[] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem
[] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression at some point.
[x] I shut others out when I’m upset.
[] I take anti-depressants.
[] I’m anorexic or bulimic or have EDNOS.
[x] I’ve slept an entire day when I didn’t need it.
[] I’ve hurt myself on purpose.
[] I’m addicted to self harm.
[x] I’ve woken up crying
[x] I’ve lost weight
[x] I’ve gained weight
[x] My weight holds me back
[x] Weight consumes me.
[x] I’m at my thinnest
[] I’m at my biggest
[] I’ve lost weight and kept it off
[x] I’ve lost weight but gained it back
[x] My weight affects my mood
[x] I weigh myself daily (-ish)
[x] I am jealous of everyone smaller than me
[x] I thrive on compliments
[x] I feel bigger than people who are my size
[] I feel happy when I’m hungry
[x] I get depressed after I eat
[x] I’ve skipped a meal
[x] I’ve thrown food away
[x] I’ve spit food out
[] I’ve fasted
[] I’ve taken diet pills
[] I’ve used laxatives
[] I’ve purged
[x] I exercise
[] I exercise so I can eat
[] I work out secretly
[] I work out daily
[x] I exercise to counteract eating
[] I’ve fainted from exhaustion

[] Weed
[] Cigarettes
[x] Alcohol
[] Diet pills
[] Pain killers
[] Anti-depressants
[] Ecstasy
[] LSD
[] Mushrooms
[] Speed
[] Cocaine
[] Other

[x] I keep my eating habits a secret from those around me
[x] I have a diet blog
[x] I look at thinspo
[] I collect thinspo
[x] I’m doing this for me
[] I’m doing this for someone
[x] I’m doing this to prove myself im strong

There we go, a little insight to let you all know more about me :) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Its here :)

Today is the day I start the skinny girl diet (SGD) my total cals for today need to be 400 or less. Feeling positive about this, as I've done it before. I want some serious weightloss to come out of this. I AM going to be skinny this summer.

When I really get started into the diet, I wanna start to exercise, any thoughts on things you can do with limited space and limited funds??


1. I will weigh myself once a week on a Sunday to monitor progress

2. I will post my stats on a Friday as a motivator

3. I will stick to under my calories each day

4. I can exercise to allow myself more for that day

5. I will try to post at least once a day to keep motivated

6. I will come out the end of this diet, healthy, happy and skinny

Here's hoping I do well!! :)

Good luck to Elly, who's starting the diet today also!! :) you will do great hunny!!

Lots of love
Xxxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Sunday 24 April 2011

Easter Sunday

Today is Easter Sunday, the day that we usually exchange eggs and chocolate, this year I painted hard boiled eggs and only received one very tiny egg :) I'm very pleased about this, means less to indulge on later!

I'm at my mums for dinner, we'll be having roast beef and lots of veg :) my mum always gives me a tiny portion size so I'm not that worried about the calories inside. It will be under 500 anyway, so I'm happy :D

Weighed myself this morning I am 10.7 stones and 149.8lbs. At least I'm in the 40's and away from they damn 50's lets see if I can do much better when I start the skinny girl diet (SGD) tomorrow!!

Lots of love
Xxxxxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Saturday 23 April 2011

Day trip :)

Today me and my bfs family are going on a day trip to the safari park!

I'm so excited :D it's for my sister in laws birthday which is tomorrow.

However.............. Living in scotland, it has been raining..........all night!!

Okay, you caught me, I'm excited for 2 reasons, going to a safari park means that we'll be taking a picnic, this picnic will consist of salad rolls, fruit salad!! Hurrah!! Means that it'll be a day walking around followed by a healthy lunch.

I know I've pretty much been awol recently and I'm hopefully back :) posting yesterday made me realise how much I miss it, and it seems to be a place that I can just pour my heart into. I'm hoping that my posts will get longer and will divulge more information about me, so I've decided to do a little "about me" post, so that you can get to know me :)

Lots of love
Jen Jen
Xxxxxxxxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Friday 22 April 2011

Im Back!! :)

Finally I'm back!! Hopefully on the road to recovery, I've been in and out of the hospital suffering with a kidney infection :/ not good!! I'm gonna be starting my weightless again in time for summer!

I have lost a little bit of weight being unwell and my jeans I haven't wore in 5 years fit me!! (cue cheesy expression and mad grin!)

Anyway this is just a short post to say I'm back!!

Xxxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday 15 March 2011


Today has been good :)

Green tea and lemon - 0 cals
1 apple - 65 cals

Piece and cucumber, without the bread 50 cals?
1 apple - 65 cals


Haven't eaten yet

228 cals burned walking to and from work today :)

Looking forward to being a skinny minny I want to fast forward to weigh in day to see the results :) bring on day 3!!

Xxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday 14 March 2011


So today I've been good, I'm pleased with myself, it's an unusual feeling :P

I've had today
Breakfast - 5 cals
Lunch - 98 cals
Dinner - 568 cals
Total - 671
Minus 303 (walking)
Means today 368 cals have been consumed!! I'm under!!

P.s Elly I can't comment on your blog or on mine still :( do you have an email do I can contact you on so I don't have to post every time. Mines is on the side of my blog. Just think of that skinny self you wanna be!! I'm gonna weigh myself every 7 days on a Sunday. I might become obsessive if I do it every day! xxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


Lunch today is....
1 packet of quavers 88 cals
1 bottle of water
2 plums 10 cals

Doing well so far!!

P.s Elly hun, I can't comment on my phone for some reason on your blog or mine. Good luck!! That's a good idea with the 100 cal slots for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner :) I'm saving mine for my dinner. Hopefully I'll have some left over at the end!!
PP.S I just seen your before pics hun :) you look gorgeous!! How did you manage to take them?
Xxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Day 1 - 400

Today I have 400 cals to play with I was thinking 50 cals breakfast, 100 cals lunch then 250 cals dinner? Think this is the best way to break it down :)

Xxxxx BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop